Our vibrant craft market is open every sunday throughout the summer …
See and feel the crafts being produced and on sale..
Ballinskelligs is a magnet for beautiful and creative crafts.
Ballinskelligs’ Country Market offers a wide selection of homebaking, speciality bread, local cheese, homegrown fruit & veg, plants for sale, handmade soaps, jewellery, crafts, photography, artwork, books and much much more.
Every sunday from June to September, 11am-4pm, there is a market by the beach where you can find stalls laden with the delicate and the colourful, the intricate and the wonderful.
The market also has its own music scene with local musicians playing through the afternoon. This market has a great atmosphere – come along and enjoy!
Just like the artists and photographers and musicians, crafters are drawn here by the inspirational surroundings.
You’ll find….
- Clothing and carvings, coins and clever things
- Rustic and runic, relics and tunics
- Felting and folding, weaving and moulding
- Rolling and knitting and intricate soldering
- And while in the midst of these things old and new
- You can even be treated to a massage too
Here is a gallery of some of the beautiful things made here that you can take home with you.