Our Friends of Ballinskelligs patron scheme is open to everyone who has a love of the area and its beauty. Becoming a patron gives you the opportunity to help shape the future of Ballinskelligs for the benefit of all.

Over the last number of years Coiste Forbartha na Sceilge and Ballinskelligs Community Care  have set out and ambitious  program of development for our area. As well as providing facilities in the Community Centre like in-house meals, meals on wheels, laundry, concerts, keep fit classes, access to a Beautician, to Chiropodist, Hairdresser, Yoga and Zumba , participate in the Tidy Towns competition, our Men’s Shed has restored one of the oldest seine boats in the world, and we acquired the Garda Barracks for community use.

We have also successfully developed many walks to boost local tourism; this included the Emlagh Loop and in 2016 the Skellig Monks Trail will open.

We have lobbied National and Local government about various issues in the area including the pier, Ballinskelligs Castle, protection of the sand dunes, improvements and changes to the beach car park, including a one way system for beach car park trafficand most importlanty how to mantain and enhance our unique link with the Skelligs rock and Ballinskelligs Abbey. We are at present working closely with Failte Ireland, Kerry County Council and other bodies to achieve this.

We have produced a number of publications including a quarterly newsletter, Ballinskelligs Remembered book, as well as a website and Facebook page. Together with Ballinskelligs tourism group we have established a new website and now a beautiful brochure of the Ballinskelligs area.

We are involved in the Community Festival annually and are helping develop the St. Michael’s Pattern Festival which occurs at the end of September.

This is where you come in; all of these activities require a lot of money to sustain. Our annual expenditure last year was  €104,700. We receive government funding of about €25,000 so that leaves a large gap to bridge. We achieve this with some income from meals on wheels, Hall rental, laundry etc, but the majority is collected through fundraising  We wish to acknowledge the generous contribution from the O’ Sullivan family, Coom over the last number of years but it is a constant struggle to keep these services going.

Our latest effort is a patronage scheme which we are calling “Friends of Ballinskelligs”   and it is open to everyone who has a love and commitment to the area . Becoming a patron gives you the opportunity to help shape the future if Ballinskelligs for the benefit of all. Our aims are to care for our community, to develop and conserve the natural beauty and heritage of Ballinskelligs in a sustainable way for ours and future generations.  We would especially appeal to the many holiday home owners in the area and the more frequent visitors who come back year after year to join the scheme.

Ballinskelligs is part of the topography of heaven Terri Leddy

Friends of Ballinskelligs Patronage Details.

Welcome to our Patronage Scheme ‘Friends of Ballinskelligs’. We hope you will become involved.

© 2016 Gaelic Images

© 2016 Gaelic Images

We have a number of different ways you can participate in the scheme.
1.    €10 per Month – A regular direct debit payment of €10
2.    €250 per Year –  a one off payment, because we have charitable status we can claim tax back on any amount over €250 per annum at 31% this means that your contribution of €250 is worth €327.50 to us.
3.    Corporate sponsorship. – Corporate contributions are always welcomes, if our community grows and prospers then local business will as well, hopefully ensuring local employment for years to come.

1.    You will be an integral part of the promotion and development of the Ballinskelligs area.
2.    You will be part of a published list of sponsors and will be entitled to a 10% discount on any of our publications, concerts events etc.
3.    You will receive regular email updates on what is going on in the Ballinskelligs area and what we are planning for the future.
4.    We will have a major raffle twice a year confined to patrons with some fantastic prizes.

Who can be a “Friend of Ballinskelligs” Patron?
To become a Friend of Ballinskelligs simply complete the pdf form downloadable from this page and return to:
Coiste Forbatha na Sceilge, Halla Pobail, Ballinskelligs, Co. Kerry, Ireland.
You might also wish to give of your time, we have numerous voluntary organisations that would welcome your help, simply contact the Halla Pobail for more information.

Cairde Bhaile ‘n Sceilg
Is coiste deonach é Coiste Forbartha na Sceilge atá ag obair ar leas an phobail anseo i mBaile ‘n Sceilg thar na blianta.  I láthair na huaire tá clár mór leathan leaghta amach acu chun dul chun cinn an cheantair a chinntiú sna blianta atá amach romhainn.
Déanann an Coiste Forbartha gach iarracht an pobal a choimeád ar an eolas ar imeachtaí pobail.  Deintear é seo tré nuachtlitreacha rialta a chur amach agus usáid a bhaint as greasáin, Facebook agus broiséir.

Tá stair, bealoideas agus oidhreacht láidir ag baint le ceantar Bhaile ‘n Sceilg.  Tá sé mar aidhm ag an gCoiste Forbartha an oidreacht seo a chaomhnú agus é a chur fé bhráid an
phobail.  Tá toradh na hiarrachta seo le feiscint san dá leagan de “Ballinskelligs
Remembered” ata foilsithe ag an gCoiste.

Ach is féidir leatsa cahbrú linn.  Tá séi gceist againn Scéim Phátrúntachta – Cairde Bhaile
‘n Sceilg a chur ar bun.  Ba bhreá linn cuireadh a thabhairt duit bheith páirteach sa scéim.

Má ghlacann tú páirt sa scéim beidh tú ag cabhrú go mór le forbairt agus dul chun cinn cheantar Bhaile ‘n Sceilg.  Mar chuid den scéim cuirfear ar an eolas tú ar na nithe agus na himeachtaí átá ag titim amach sa phobal agus ina theannta sin beidh dhá chrannchur móra sa bhliain do bhaill na scéime.

Go raibh míle maith agat.